The Newbury, MA fire department is collecting trees until January 9th for their annual bonfire on January 14th. This is an interesting fundraiser for the local fire department that also gets your Christmas tree out of the house before it becomes a fire hazard.
You can park at the event for $5 and they are advertising beer, wine and warm food like chowder, coffee and fried dough. The event runs from 3:00 pm to 9:00, nice kid-friendly hours.
And it's held in the fields of the beautiful Tendercrop Farm in Newbury. If you go in the afternoon, you can take advantage of the excellent, as-local-as-possible-in-the-dead-of-winter produce, local meat and dangerously tempting baked goods. I have fond memories of buying Massachusetts-grown apples for (I don't think I'm exaggerating here) my Thanksgiving pies.
Check out the Newbury Fire Department website for the location info and bundle up the kids. Here's hoping for a warm night!